Nestled amidst the tall pines of Arizona's White Mountains at Woodfield, a fun annual event known as the Parade of Homes has become a cherished tradition. Parade of Homes not only opens the doors to see a variety of stylish, cozy residences at Woodfield, but it also fosters a sense of camaraderie among residents and visitors alike.
A Poker-Run with a Twist
The Parade of Homes is more than just a peek into luxury park model living; it's a playful competition as well. The event is designed in a poker-run style, offering participants a delightful twist on the traditional home tour. As visitors move from one home to another, they collect cards to see who can build the best “poker hand”.
Embracing Neighbors, Welcoming the World
The heart of this event lies in its inclusivity. Residents of Woodfield open their homes not only to their neighbors but also to guests considering life at Woodfield. This gesture symbolizes the warm, welcoming spirit that defines this tight-knit community. Allowing others to experience the neighborly atmosphere and unique lifestyle brings new friends to Woodfield!
Fostering a Strong Sense of Community
Parade of Homes is just one of MANY events and activities available to Woodfield residents, a testament to the enduring spirit of fun and togetherness. There are dozens of year-round activities to choose from including crafting groups, Women & Wine Wednesdays, golf outings, Zumba classes, community BBQs and much more.
Woodfield stands as a shining example of how a place becomes a genuine community when filled with the laughter and shared experiences of its residents.
Come take a tour, and experience the magic of Woodfield for yourself!